Request your free Caps Fuel Card

Please fill in the online form below or download this document and send it to us by mail, fax or post.


T: 056 73 30 06    F: 056 73 63 88


Bank details

Bank details

How do you wish to receive your invoice?

*an administration fee of 2€ will be charged per invoice

Type of invoice

Information about consumption and fleet

Number of vehicles

Passenger cars

Delivery trucks


Card 1

This information is required by law.

This field is required by law.

After approval of your application through our credit service, you must open the required documents received from the European direct debit system. Your CAPS card will be sent after receipt of the signed mandate and the message of registration of the European direct debit.

After approval of your application through our credit service, you must open the required documents received from the European direct debit system. Your CAPS card will be sent after receipt of the signed mandate and the message of registration of the European direct debit.